If workplace misconduct does occur we ask that the following process is followed:

  • If you suspect, or have evidence of workplace misconduct, we would like you to discuss it first with your manager or supervisor or if this is not possible, through another appropriate channel in our company.
  • If you feel this action will put you in a compromised position, you can report workplace misconduct under the Randstad Misconduct Reporting Procedure.
  • To do this, call or email the Integrity Line, even anonymously if desired, and mention as much information as possible.
  • Your message will be forwarded to a Local Integrity Officer and your report will be investigated. The Officer will treat all information confidentially.
  • The results of any investigation will not be disclosed to anyone other than those individuals who have a legitimate business reason to know. If there is insufficient information, or an indication that a report has been made in bad faith, a Local Integrity Officer may decide not to investigate the report. False accusations may result in disciplinary action.
  • Randstad has a strict policy of non-retaliation against persons who make workplace misconduct reports under this policy. Reporting through the Integrity Line will not protect you automatically if you participated in the workplace misconduct.

Contact Details:

Access Code:  62710
Freephone Number: 0800 450 436
Language Options: English