consider why people would want to work for you

An employee value proposition (EVP) describes all the reasons potential employees would want to work for your organisation.

Start by asking your management team and existing employees for feedback about your strengths, weaknesses and personality as an employer.

aim for engagement and authenticity 

Your employee value proposition forms the backbone of your employer brand and it must be authentic to be successful.

Use story-telling devices like analogies, first-person conversational style and real-people examples to illustrate your organisation’s values, philosophy, goals, higher purpose and history.

set clear expectations

Explain what potential employees can expect if they join your organisation, with detailed information about employee benefits and what makes your workplace special.

Focus on what appeals to the talent pool you are trying to attract, which may be different to what appeals to your leadership team.

deliver on the promise

Using your EVP to attract talent is just the first step – leading brands know the next critical step is to live up to the employer brand promise they create, developing an enduring reputation as a desirable employer.

find a suitable candidate

register a vacancy

request a callback

get in touch